^Canine Kisses Spring 2017
Canine Kisses for Cancer: For two years now we have hosted Canine Kisses for Cancer. This is an event typically during week 8 or 9 in the MU Quad where students and any passerbys are given the opportunity to pet furry friends from Heartland Humane Society for $1. All proceeds go to both Heartland Humane Society and Doernbecher Children’s Hospital.
*Mike Cole at the shelter Spring 2017 (left), Theta volunteers just getting done volunteering Fall 2016 (middle), Emma Cummings cuddling a cute bunny Spring 2017 (right)
Heartland Humane Society: More than once every term we visit Heartland Humane Society to help out in whatever way they need. In the past few years our relationship with Heartland has grown to be one that we cherish and hope to uphold for many more years. It is an awesome experience and a great break from school to go hang out with your brothers and some amazing animals at the Humane Society. It will forever be one of our favorite places to fulfill our community service.
^Relay for Life Spring 2016
Relay For Life: Every Spring OSU hosts Relay for Life which is a fundraiser that supports all types of cancer research. Alpha Kappa Psi contributes by creating a team, participating in the event and raising as much money as we can. It is a great bonding experience for our members as well as a great cause to support every year. So many lives are touched by cancer, including many loved ones of our members. It is an event that hits close to home and one that we enjoy participating in every year.