

*PBLI 2017

Alpha Kappa Psi is first and foremost a professional business fraternity. We strive every year to provide our members with a worthwhile experience. Everyone joins AKPsi for a reason, whether that be resume building, networking, friendship, or building professional skills, we try to provide a variety of everything. Our most popular events are our company tours, panels, workshops and guest speakers.

*PBLI 2016 (left), Memorial Union 2014 (right)

There are several events hosted by the AKPsi Foundation throughout the year such as the Principled Business Leaders Institute (PBLI), Spring Officers Training Camp (SOTC), and every two years Convention is held. These events bring chapters from all over the world together. PBLI is held at a different location depending on your region. For instance, Theta is in the Pacific Northwest Region so the PBLI that we go to is held in San Francisco, CA. At this event and all the professional events that we attend members are provided with valuable knowledge from guest speakers, workshops and interactive trainings about the business world and how they can contribute to Alpha Kappa Psi. SOTC is a retreat specifically for the officers of AKPsi. This past year PBLI and SOTC occurred at the same time and our Theta Officers were able to attend to workshops to learn how to perform their duties to the utmost highest quality. The Convention every two years (the next one being August 2017) consists of two main parts – the Chapter Congress Meeting and the College of Leadership. Additional events include the Celebration of Brotherhood, Brothers Night Out and the Grand Banquet. All these events are a privilege to be involved in and Theta looks forward to them every year!

*Alumni Panel Winter 2016

Closer to home, throughout the year Theta hosts guest speakers such as Doug Rice from Enterprise and Ellen Price from CampusPoint to come and give professional workshops. Both of these individuals among others are highly valued professionals that Theta invites back to visit almost every year. Smaller events that we host are also LinkedIn and resume building workshops. This is especially important to us when it comes to potential new members; we almost always host a resume workshop during our rush season in order to support and give advice to any individual that is interested in joining.

*Columbia HQ tour Spring 2017

This year Theta also had the privilege to visit Columbia Sportswear’s Headquarters in Portland, OR. At this event our members had the opportunity to tour facilities, learn about the company's brands, and talk to a panel of professionals. It was by far one of the favorite professional events of the year.